Saturday, October 22, 2005

This Friday at 6:45AM, I was driving to Omaha to fly to California to visit Fuller Theological Seminary. I was very apprehensive about the journey. I had never been to CA, I was traveling alone, and I didn't really know anyone at the seminary. I am pretty confused about what God wants me to do after college, and I keep getting conflicting advice from professors, friends and family. As I started my trip, I had a pretty bad attitude. I thought that the trip was a waste of time, and the graduate school was not a good fit for me. I thought there was a better use of my time and money, but then the sun started to rise...It was so beautiful. I don't know if I have ever seen such a sunrise. The sky was on fire with bright orange, red, pink, and purple. It was breath taking. God was really speaking to me to trust and follow Him. I just prayed prayed for a while for God to give me patience and strength to trust.
I safely arrived in Pasadena, CA this evening. I meet some really great people who have been so open and honest in their reflections on their seminary experience. I am not sure if Fuller is for me, but I was really encouraged by the people I met. They really had a heart for God, and it was good to hear the different journeys that God had taken them on.


At 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics! We'll keep praying for ya!



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