Monday, April 03, 2006

8.5 more days of's crazy it has gone by so fast. I respond to a variety of names at NCA. In Latin American culture, students call teachers "profe," senior, or seniora, or maestro, but they don't add thier last name. So I respond to most students calling me "miss," which can get confusing if I am sitting around 3 other teachers. Some other high school students decided to call me "Susan;" they tell me, "it's for your own safety miss. " If you say Miss. Matherly really fast, it becomes Smatherly, and some students get a kick out of calling me that. My elementary students call me mainly 2 different names, but they are not trying to misprounce my name, they just forget how to pronounce it. I've stopped correcting them because I think it's cute. The pre-K and kindergarden students call me Miss. Beberly. Last night, I had dinner with a pre-k student and her family, and the parents called me Sarah, but thier daughter kept correcting them, "It's Miss. Beberly!" The 5th grade students call me Miss. Matherlyn. And once in a while, I get called my actual name Miss. Matherly. I'm still trying to get used to being called by my last name; it makes me feel so old.


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Tom said...

Sarah-- when will you be back in the area?

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sar! Hows it going? Long time no talk... I hope things are going good for you! Sounds like your students love you- of course! :) Well take care! we should chat about life and such when're you're not so busy :) Later!

At 10:12 PM, Blogger mike kramer said...

i would like to voice the same question that tom had.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Jeffy said...

Here is a link to a site that explains what and Ep is



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