Monday, June 05, 2006

Graduation and its implications have finally sunk in... This past weekend, I went to Sioux Center to Kate and Adam's wedding. It was a great ceremony and reception, and it was good to see a lot of people from college. Kate and Adam looked so happy, it was great. On Saturday when everyone was leaving back to home or where they work; it was bit odd. We didn't know when we'd see each other again. It could many months or even years. The good-byes were a bit vague and sad. We could not longer promise to see each other next semester, but instead we have to wait until someone gets married or dies (which would the less favorable choice)! We all promised to keep in touch and whatnot, but I think each one of us knew that slowly we'd loose touch. Well, I don't mean to leave everything on a sad note.
I waitressed tonight and make almost $60 for 5 hours, so that was exciting. I'm starting a new exercise program. I'm going to excerise 3 hrs each week....I've been trying to clock in at least 3 hrs of excerise for the last 3 weeks, and I've failed. Hopefully by the end of the summer, I'll be a little more disciplined.
Oh and here's some pictures of the weekend.


At 5:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

raining here this morning. the teacher van has gone 'kaput', so i hitched a ride with mydia and her car. it seemed like everyone else had the same idea. michelle had to sit on my lap which was torture for her, but she kept me warm, so i enjoyed it.

i have one exam to proctor today and then stick-a-fork-in-me i'm done. i have been a teacher for a year - kind of crazy.

i rearranged again. ummm....yep that is all. read the blog for further thoughts:)

At 6:05 PM, Blogger mike kramer said...

hey sarah.

no i didn't eat the rabbit. but it is a lot of fun. i throw it at mom if she annoys me.

yeah, i wish i could have gone to adam's wedding. blast. o well. what can you do. i'm glad you liked it.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Sam and Darcie Gutierrez said...

Sarah! what's up! I found your blog! I hope you're having a good summer!!!!

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Jeffy said...

we have cornfeilds too

but we hide them outside of Billings, and in the recesses of my very own farm

Got anything else i should miss?


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