Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New look and a new life lesson....

I changed the look of my blog because I was getting tired of how it looked. I wanted to switch it, but the choices are very very limited. Does anyone know if there are other options? I tried not to pick ones that my friends already had, so that basically left me with a handful to choose from. I hope you enjoy the new look. It took a bit to get it set up because it changed all of my settings on my template. But I am quite happy with the look and how everything turned out!
Also, I learned something new tonight, and I'm pretty excited about it. I learned how to put a title with each post. Some of you have mastered this skill already, but I was completely in the dark before tonight. When I asked people how they put a title on their posts, they said that there is a space provided. Well about 6 months later, I finally found out how to do it. You have to change your settings to get it. So be prepared for some amazing titles, haha.


At 10:10 PM, Blogger Jeffy said...

You can do whatever you want

so long as your are computer savvy

that's why mine is all boring

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

dude, where is the title setting? i want titles!


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