Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thank you for your prayers...

Today I went to the beach in was beautiful with white pebble beaches with blue/aqua water. There were palm trees, mountians and sail boats in the distance, and men in thongs...(definately could have done with out that!) I tried to study a little Hebrew, but soon gave up to just watcht the waves come in.
After that I went back onto the tram and stopped at the city park/garden. I was enjoying strolling around the park, until I heard a man incessantaly yelling "Hello miss, hello, hello..." I tried to ignore it, but finally I looked back. The man, who was older maybe 55 or so, kept trying to talk to me in Greek and English, but I told him I that I didn't understand. I walked away, and thought that was the end of it. I decided to leave the park because I didn't want to accidently run into him again. As I was walking out of the park, the man came up beside me. He wouldn't leave me alone and was following me. He kept asking me where I lived, my phone number, if I would have coffee with him, and when he would see me again. I kept brushing him off and walking faster and faster into the metro station. Luckily we were in a very busy and public place. I tried to politely brush him off, but then I realized that he wasn't giving up that early. Then I told him that I didn't want to talk to him and please leave me alone repeatedly. I quickly walked almost jogged down the hallway to the subway. Luckily I was in a big metro station, and I saw a police man. I ran to him and explained what happened. The police man caught up with the older man and made him leave the station. I haven't really experienced anything like that in my travels. It was a minor incident where nothing serious happend (nothing was stolen and I wasn't hurt), but it shook me up a bit. I managed to get home without too much trouble. Although it took me a little bit to figure out where in the metro station I was because I was just trying to get away from the man and not looking where I was going. Thanks for all of the prayers for safety, I really felt them today. Don't worry, I still have my gaurd up while traveling-plus almost everyone knows what HELP! means. I miss all of you, and I can't wait to see you all again.


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