Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My roommate Chelsey and I went to Ontario for a wedding (which was amazing!) We stopped by Niagara Falls along the way.

Dave is one of our friends from seminary, and he was a national tour guide.
.We also stopped by St. Thomas, and we visited the memoral that commemorated the killing of Jumbo the Elephant. The town was known as a meeting place for trains from the east and west; also one of the trains ran into Jumbo.
Over the summer, my legs decided to catch up to the rest of me...

It's been a while...

I finished my internship in Chicago. Although, I didn't end up doing much or really anything at it; I did have lot of time to explore the city. I love the city for many reasons:
1. There are a lot of amazing ministries and organizations that are ministering to the city through different and innovative programs and ways.
2. Free concerts, amazing parks, museums, street festivals.
3. Great friends.
4. I love public transportation-it makes life so much easier than trying to find a parking spot.
5. Walking around-I excercised without even knowing it.
6. Fun restaurants.
7. Team Jewel.

Now I'm less than a week from school starting in GR. I've finally moved in and settled into my apartment...for the most part. Our kitchen is still a mess, but my bedroom's put together. I'm not ready for fact I'm feeling pretty apathetic to the whole thing. I'm not exciting for school or even nervous for it. A lot of the anxiety of the unknown has lessened because I have a year of seminary completed. Hebrew is still an everpresent dark cloud that looms over my head. I hate the start of a new quarter because I hate trying to get all of my books together-to find good deals and try to guess which books the professors aren't really ever going to use...