Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I am staring my 3rd week of class. I'm am slowly starting to get into the swing of things. I wonder if I have mono or something. Each night I go to bed at 10:45-11:15pm and get up around 6:30am, so that is about 7-7.5 hours of sleep. Then by 11am or even 1pm I'm falling asleep in class. After class, I take a 1.5 to 2 hour nap. I can't stay awake while I am trying to do my homework. So I give up and lay down for a nap. I think that I could sleep for the entire night when I take a late afternoon nap. I first thought that I was just tired from adjusting to life in GR and seminary, but it's been 3 weeks. I've been eating healthy and often, and I even work out more here than I did at home. Well it's about once a week, but at home it was like once every 2 months! I'm going to try to make it the whole week without any naps. If it doesn't go away....maybe I'll have to take more drastic measures and go see a doctor.
I am continuing to make more and more friends, which has presented a bit a problem. I have to keep the balance between school and social life. I have been able to get to know a lot of others in the seminary community. It's been really good. Academically, I'm drowning in homework. There is so much reading and paper writing. So far, I've been doing well on my paper's and quizzes, but midterms are in 2 weeks. With a 9 week quarter system, it makes the year really rigorous and stressful. After midterms then there are exams about 4 weeks later....it's crazy. Hopefully everything will pan out! I've decided I'm going to spend one weekend night studying (at least until 9:30 or 10pm...)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Getting Settled

Okay, well I'm basically moved in, and I'm just trying to figure out where to put some random stuff. Orientation ended on Friday afternoon, it was long and a bit overwhelming at times. Surprisingly there are a lot of girls enrolled in seminary. Most of them aren't in the MDiv program, but they are in a program which requires them to take the same classes as me. So in my classes there are 8-10 females in each class. This is such a blessing/comfort becuase I was bracing myself to be the only one or two females in a class of 30 - 40 students. My roommates seem to be great! I have slowly gotten to know them, and they seem like very grounded and caring people. I'm excited to see how our friendship grows. I also have met a great person at seminary, and it is amazing how well we have connected in less than a week. Her name is Ashely, and she is also in the MDiv program. We have similar interests, and she graduated from Calvin so she knows the area. Also, I have reconnected with FYF friends from the program that I went on in 2002. Without those connections I wouldn't know hardly anyone in Grand Rapids or at Calvin Seminary; God is amazing! Classes start on Tuesday, and I'm a bit nervous for the intensity of the study here. But I'll adapt, my aim is to learn and not get an A. It's hard to switch your mind set to be able to be okay with B's and C's. Well, I better go and finish all of my errands.