Friday, January 26, 2007

Some time for fun

Even though I'm busy with school; I still make time for fun. Last weekend, I went snow skiing and snowboarding for the first time. I first started out skiing, and my first run was a bit rough. By the third run, I seemed to have it down. Skiing was a lot easier than I thought it was, so then I thought that I should move on to snow boarding. I had heard that snow boarding was hard, but I thought I'd be able to get the handle of it. Well, no one told me anything about how to snow board. My first run took me 20+ minutes to get down the hill. I lost count how many times that I feel, and sometimes when I got my self up, I'd fall 10 seconds later. It was funny but so tiring. Getting up was hard to do because you're feet are tied together on the board. During my spill down the hill, I had managed to veer extremely to the left, and almost hit the snow machine and ran into a mound a snow.I finally got to the bottom, and I was about 300+ feet away from the lift back to the top of the hill. No one told me how to get my feet out of the snow board, I tried to fiddle with the straps, but I couldn't get it. I ended hopping all the way to the lift. There was not anyone around to ask how to take off the straps because I was so far away from the lift. Finally I asked an older guy, but he was skiing and didn't know anything about snow boarding. Then I saw this 12-14 year old kid, and he looked at me like a was a moron and loosened my straps on my board. It took him like 10 seconds. The next couple of runs were just as horrilee. As I was going down the hills, I heard people making fun of me from the lifts. By the end of the night, I was tired, wet, and bruised, but I had gotten better. I made it down the hill 2x without falling (okay so it was the bunny hill, but it was still kinda big). The next 2 days I could barely lift my arms above my chest. All in all, I loved it and hope to go again soon.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Urbana 06

I've been ridiculously busy this quarter. The rumor is that winter quarter of your first year at seminary is the hardest because of the classes you have to take and dealing with the Michigan winter. Well I had to change my schedule from the normal winter classes that Masters of Divnity students take. Since Christmas break I've written a ton of papers, and taken a lot of 2 Greek quizzes. The semester is not going to let up until the end of the quarter in mid February. I have another 12 page paper for history, 7 page paper for systematic theology, plus regular homework, and I've got to start studying for exams. Oh well, it'll all get done. Little by little.

I went to URBANA 06 in St. Louis over Christmas break. It is a missions conference put on by Urbana for about 5 days. Overall the experience was good, but since my break was less than 2 weeks it make my break seem really short and rushed. In the morning there was a bible study, large group lecture in the stadium where the St. Louis Rams play, and then we had a 2 hour break for lunch. It was crazy because in a matter of 15 minutes 22,000 hungry Urbana participants were unleashed onto downtown St. Louis' restaurants. It was crazy, especially since most people didn't drive to the conference. Then in the afternoon, there were 2 sessions of smaller conferences lead by various people, or you should visit the Global Connections. Global connections had about 2,000 people that wanted to talk to you about missions and their agencies or schools. The conference center hosted dinner, and then there was a night large group lecture, and then small group prayer meeting.

My reflections on Urbana. I got to visit with a lot of missionary schools from all around the world. I hopefully will be able begin working with them to see if I will be able to do my internship there next year. Over all Urbana was good over all, at times the messages seem to offer a watered down or somewhat shallow interpretations of the Bible, but then there were speakers that really challenged me. It was a hit or miss at times. The large lectures began with praise and worship, it was amazing to see 22,000 Christians worshiping together. We sang songs from around the world, and the crowd was so diverse from different countries and backgrounds. It was beautiful to see and hear. I was really challenged by one speaker Brenda Psalter Mcneil. She asked us where we were settling in life. I realized that I was setting at Calvin Seminary in my school work. I was worried about giving the professors what they wanted to hear, instead of enjoying what I was learning. I researching “safe” topics; instead of studying what I was interested and felt lead to study. I really want to take ownership and joy in my work. It is hard at times because it is so intense and difficult sometimes. I've begun to develop better relationships with my classmates, and we starting to support and help each other. Well, I better go. I'm just going to take it one day at a time...