Thursday, October 26, 2006

My car and the Psalms

My car is still not running. I'm going to call a tow truck and get it taken in. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but it's really frustrating not to be able to get around by myself. Luckily, I can take the bus to school, and friends from school bring me places.
I can't believe that there are only a few weeks of classes left before exams. It's really crazy how fast it's going. In my class, Formation for Ministry, I've been really convicted to read and pray the Psalms. There is a Psalm for EVERY emotion we are feeling. When there's no words in side of us...go to the Psalms. Use the psalmist's words. I've just started focusing on reading and reflecting on 4-5 verses each day. It's seriously been really helpful.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's been about 6 weeks since I have moved to Grand Rapids. I am getting better at getting around. My living situation is amazing because my housemates and I get along really great. It's such a blessing. Last week was the most stressful and busiest of my life. Last week was midterms. I had 2 midterms plus regular homework due. For three nights in a row, I got about 3 hours of sleep because I was was stressed. My stomach was in knots all week. It was a hard week, but luckily it is over now. I'm not exactly sure how well I did on the exams. I'll find out in a week or two.
We have a 2 day vacation due to Canadian Thanksgiving and reading recess day. I am so glad because I will be able to recooperate. I've been relaxing this weekend, but I have a pile of homework calling my name. I finished the last "touches" in my room, and I have put some pictures in the post.
Fall is beautiful in Michigan. The leaves are turning, and the weather is crisp. Luckily there aren't asian lady bird beetles here. I don't miss walking outside for 5 minutes and finding 10 lady bugs in my hair and on my clothes.
One weekend, some seminarians and I had a "Good Will Hunting" night. We put our names in a hat and picked another person's name. Then we had to buy that person an outfit from a thrift store. Each person put on their outfit, and we went out to eat and sang some karioke. It was a blast.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I can't believe I forgot!

I've been a horrible aunt. My nephew turned 1 year old this week, and I totally missed it. Happy Birthday Mitchelle. I'll send him a birthday card at the end of the week. Here's some pictures of him...he's the cutest thing ever...seriously!