Monday, February 20, 2006

I have recently gotten over a little bug. I don't exactly know what it was, but luckily it went away after a couple of days. It wasn't serious enough that I had to miss school. I am thinking about going on an antiparasite medication in a couple of weeks. Other than that one experience, I have found the food and the water here quite safe. I drink the water from the tap and eat raw fruits and vegetables, but I stay away from eating food from street venders.

Last weeks, classes went really well. I felt prepared for the classes, and the students responded positively to the lessons. I am enjoying teaching 7th and 8th grade health more each day, which is yet, as been an answer to many prayers. Junior high is such a difficult time for the students because they aren't children or teenagers. They sway from acting like children and trying to act more grown up and independent. Many of the students are from broken homes, and there actions are cries for attention from adults whether negative or positive. I have to remind myself that these students are kids who just need love. In my Bible classes, I am teaching the book God by Alexander Waugh. It is a difficult book to teach because it is a book that combines every religions views about God into one book. The book doesn't hold the Bible as the Truth, but as another view of God that is equal to the Quran or the Book of Morman. In class, we are going to compare the other views about God in contrast to the Bible. I am praying for wisdom in how to deal appropriately with the material and the students' attitude and hearts.


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