Saturday, February 11, 2006

This week we only had 3 days of school because of the 3-day February break. Some teachers and I went to San Juan, which is about an hour away for 3 days and 2 nights. San Juan is known for its beautiful white sand beaches, blue ocean, and big waves. This weekend I am focusing on resting up and rejuvenating for the next couple of weeks because I will take on all the teaching duties. I am so grateful for the break because I was starting to get tired and worn out from teaching even though I haven’t been at the school very long! While in San Juan, I did a lot of reading and relaxing on the beach. I tried to surf a couple of times, but the waves break so much harder and faster at San Juan compared to the beach we normally go to on the weekends. So it takes more experienced and skilled surfers to catch and ride the waves.


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