Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This is what keeps me sane, grounded, and laughing my friends and family...My Dad-he's great if you haven't met him you should. I think that I need more pictures on my computer of my family...this is one of the few...

Friends from "home" who have lived with me through many, many years of ridiculousness....

Friends who walk along beside me at Calvin Seminary and understand what happens to a QAL stem of a YQTL verb with a waw conversive....I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Hebrew Buddies forever...Roommates who are so incredibly encouraging and know just what I need! Like a excuse to
leave Grand Rapids and watch the sunset over the beach.

God has truly blessed me with great friends and family. (Sorry to any of you that I didn't put a photo up of you...I still love you all the same!)

Finished with Hebrew!

I took my Hebrew Final today....It feels so great to have that gorilla off of my back. I started the course almost one year ago today. I remember visiting my friend Sarah Franken in Chicago during my Thanksgiving break. I had so many naive dreams and aspirations about Hebrew during that time in my life. After Sarah went to work, I found my way to the nearest coffee shop. I ordered coffee and a scone and opened up my bright green Lambin Hebrew Textbook. The following events are still a little unclear because I was completely disoriented and utterly confused after paging through the "Introductory Paragraphs," reading, and then rereading over and over. I was so confused and didn't even know how to formulate questions. I remember feeling a huge lump forming in my stomach which eventually migrated to my back which was filled with despair, confusion, hopelessness, and anger. I had to change my attitude that Hebrew was something that I had to endure and grit my teeth and bear.
But I'm finished with 6 credit On-Line Hebrew class, it's over and I passed. I don't think I passed the final exam, but I passed the class. That's what counts. I may seen over dramatic but until you have experience it don't judge. It sucked me dry-spiritually, emotionally, intellectually. I'm told that when I take the Old Testament exegetical class on Jonah I'll begin to like Hebrew and even see some usefulness. I'm a little skeptic, but hoping that it's true that this last year hasn't been a waste of time spending hundreds of hours in front of computer. Myself worth isn't found in the grade that I get from a stupid 10 question multiple choice quiz that tries to trick me into getting answers wrong. (example: One of the answers for the quiz was either Poel or Po'el-who cares how the English spell the verb category for the Hebrew verb stem? I still knew what it meant!) I'm done, and I'm happy. I'll savor it for a couple of minutes, but then I have to return back to the reality that the quarter is ending in about a week. I have to get back to writing my systematic theology paper; it's a never ending cycle.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What the?

I just registered for Winter Quarter's classes. I can't believe it's that time. I still have about 3 weeks of school yet, but I ONLY have 3 weeks to finish a boat load of papers and study for tests. I hope some of this education is sticking-sometimes I don't know if it is. I want to really get all that I can from seminary, but sometimes it just seems like I'm doing what I can to keep my head above water. I was writing a paper about my internships for a little "testimonial" in my small group, and I reminded of what ministry was and what it felt like. It's good to be reminded that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Theodicy - I don't really understand it all...

Reformed theology is "sound, structured, logical", but how does it apply to real life? Sometimes the intellectual abstract ideas and truths don't really hit into real life. How can a God who is Sovereign, Good, Loving, Merciful let such horrible things happen in the world. Yes I believe God is in control of everything, but why does He let people suffer so much on earth. I just found out that one of my best friend's mom has cancer-it's like they can't get a break from the destruction of sin in their life. I know He's going to renew everything when Jesus comes again, but it's hard to find real comfort right here on earth and right now. God doesn't promise us a peaceful or easy existence on earth, and He doesn't have to explain why He allows good and bad things to happen. It would just be much easier for us if He did; I guess that's were faith comes in to fill in the gaps. It's still hard, and it still sucks.